
Implemented Projects

In 2021/2022 IESDEV implemented a livelihood scheme project in communities such as Mudeka, Mabeta, Sone, Bakingili, and Debuncha where vulnerable persons whose livelihoods were destroyed because of the devastating effect of the Anglophone crises that got them displaced from their main communities and sought refuge in the above mention localities.
IESDEV in 2023 supported some internally displaced persons (IDPs) and host community members in MEME and FAKO divisions in the south West Region with training and some materials support to enable them to generate backyard gardens to improve on their nutritional intake as well income generating aspect where the surpluses from these their backyard gardens can be marketable and income generated served their household in other basic needs.
IESDEV in 2023 implemented a Mental Health and Psychosocial Support project aimed at improving women’s Wellness Initiative funded by GEORGE & Jerry Construction Company Ltd as a cooperate social responsibility of their operation in Cameroon in Manyu Division in communities under Eyumojock subdivision precisely in the following communities Okoroba, Mbinda-Tabo, Bakogo, and Akak villages were sanitary pads and other hygiene kits were distributed to some selected vulnerable young girls and women.
Since 2016, the anglophone crises rocking the two English-speaking regions of Cameroon have severely disrupted the education of many children. In Eyumojock subdivision, precisely Obang clan several communities namely Etinkem, Abat, Mgbegati, Osselle, Bakut, Okoroba, Mbinda Tabo, Bakogo, Akak and Bayip Assibong have been particularly affected leaving children without access to basic education as schools are shut down. IESDEV implemented an education project titled” Enhancing Education in conflict-affected communities in Eyumojock subdivision (Obang Clan) to assist children with assistance to return to school since the community leaders and community members were running some community schools to help the children. The education project implemented by IESDEV in this location helped to reach out to 512 school pupils in September 2024.